Photo of Michael Gregorius
Michael Gregorius
Software Architect and Developer

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Private projects

This is a selection of some of my private projects.

Fretboard template generator

In November 2022 I have created a fretboard template generator. It can be used to generate a PDF with a fretboard template according to a user selected configuration.

Neck profile cut calculator

In 2023 I have created a neck profile cut calculator. It can be used to compute how to cut a rectangular neck with two cuts to approximate the final profile in the 1st and 12th frets.

Ignitron Footswitch for the Spark Amp

The Ignitron is a footswitch for the Spark Amp. It was a project that I worked on together with my brother. I was mainly concerned with the hardware design.

Binary bakery

The Binary Bakery is a tool that can be used to convert binary files into C++ header files. It runs completely in the browser and does not upload any files to any servers.


While at the University of Dortmund I wrote lots of documents that aided me in learning. You can find them shared in this section.



